Downtown tonight we can see Gregorio (the secret dream of every housewife) and Katiuscia, the Star of the show,
big artists from the Italian Circus!
Coming from the hottest Italian stages, with the German Wheel and the “3-wheeled-giraffe” unicycle, they evoke the marvel of the circus, that old reality which brings smiles to the faces of the old and young alike.
The show mixes object manipulation and acrobatic dance with brooms, high level tricks on the German Wheel and balancing on the 3-wheeled Giraffe, everything is illuminated by the magic of firelight.
It is a street show that is both poetic and surreal never fails to entertain with a flaming finale and public participation..
Two artist from the Great Italian Circus!
Gran Finale mit Feuer Jonglieren
German Wheel & Monocycle
Circo Puntino'S
most important partecipation:
- Pflasterspektakel (Linz,AUSTRIA)
- Berlin Lacht! (Berlino, GERMANY)
- Circuito de Arte SESC (Sao Paulo, BRASIL)
- Festival of Fools (Belfast, NORD IRELAND)
- Boulevard Festival (Wenduine, BELGIUM)
- Festival Internacional Artistas de Rua Alfarrobeira (Lisbona, PORTUGAL)
- Spancirfest (Varazdin, CROATIA)
- Festival Circumnavigando (Genova)
- Festival Des Artistes de Rue (Aosta)
- Scollinando (Lugano, SWITZERLAND)
- Strassenkunstfestival Wiener Neustadt (AUSTRIA)
- Salento Buskers Festival (Lecce)
- Padova Street Show (Padova)
- Passod'Arte (Crato, PORTUGAL)
- MOJOCA Festival Artisti di Strada (Moio della Civitella, SA)
- NORDER SOMMERFEST StrassenKunst Festival (Norden, GERMANY)
- Shakaboom Festival (Cuneo)
...and many others!